A short game created during the Emotional Game Jam 2023 in Laval. Created in 48h hours with the theme Fragile and Poker Move.
I was in charge of this project of direction artistic, the all of game art (modeling, texturing), and implementation/creating environment in Unity.
You are evolving on a dreamy planet with one mission, to clean out the dark minds of this peaceful place. Be careful because the more you eat baddies the bigger it get. The chained ball attached to you can break the fragile world around you. Take care of the environment and clean all of the darkness.
In this game, I worked with:
(Concept art and monsters modeling/texturing)
(Tech art, shadering)
(Sound design and animation)
If you want to see what its looks like on your screen, you can download and play by following this link: https://provost-sebastien.itch.io/eat-my-mind